Yaron TsuberyFormer ISTQB® President (2 terms) and Vice-President (2 terms) – Yaron significantly contributed to the growth of ISTQB® during the eight years he held an executive position.

During Yaron’s presidency, the vision, mission statements, as well as the ISTQB® values were set, which are still leading the ISTQB® today.

Yaron also set the strategy for the ISTQB®, which addressed the following key streams: the ISTQB's® Portfolio Program, the international professional community and the required maturity aspects for the ISTQB's® organizational growth, in collaboration with its eco-system.

During Yaron’s presidency, the ISTQB’s® portfolio program was created, when the Agile and “add on” (now known as Specialist) streams were introduced.

Yaron was involved in establishing and supporting ISTQB® Member Boards around the world and creating the model to scale up with the organization's maturity and the collaboration with the ISTQB eco-system.

Yaron founded the ISTQB® Process Working Group and Chaired the WG from 2008 to 2012.

Yaron is the current Chair of the ISTQB® Academia Working Group.

President of the Israeli Testing Certification Board (ITCB®) since its inception.

Yaron is an active member in the ISTQB® General Assembly as the ITCB® representative, since 2004.

Yaron receives the Growth Contributor Award in recognition that he has devoted his time to developing the ISTQB®, increasing the number of Member Boards on one hand and building the ISTQB® portfolio on the other.
