Stephan GoerickeInvolved in ISTQB® since 2005 – an active member of the General Assembly and involved in multiple initiatives e.g. supported strategy, trademarking, the establishment of standards.

Current Vice-Chair of the ISTQB® Marketing Working Group.

Supported the introduction of ISTQB® certification products including Mobile Application Testing, Artificial Intelligence Testing, and Model-Based Testing by making IP available as a basis for product development.

Supported the founding and growth of multiple ISTQB® Member Boards around the world.

Supports exam delivery to ISO 17024 and 9001 standards as an authorized exam provider across the world. Specific agreements with 19 ISTQB® Member Boards including ANZTB, ATB, BNTQB, BSTB, BSTQB, CSTB, CuTB, GTB, FiSTB, HASTQB, ITQB, LSTQB, NGSTQB, SEETB, STB, UKITB, USQB, ZIMSTQB.

Initiated special projects that bring ISTQB® to new countries around the world e.g. Rwanda and Palestinian Territories.

Promotes the ISTQB® with other qualifications bodies (e.g. IREB and UXQB).

Stephan receives the ISTQB® Growth Contributor Award in recognition of all he has done to support and grow ISTQB® as a certification body and to extend the ISTQB® reach around the world including initiating the introduction of new products to meet market needs and founding, development, and ongoing support of Member Boards.
