We are delighted to confirm that again in 2022, the ISTQB® will be presenting the International Software Testing Excellence Award to the person who has shown an outstanding contribution to the field of software quality. The 2022 Award will come with a very special winner’s bonus of 5.000 Euros reflecting the ISTQB® commitment and gratitude to those who have made a significant difference to the testing profession. Importantly, the winner must fulfil the eligibility criteria and will be an individual who is making an outstanding contribution to the wider testing community and beyond the boundaries of their own organization.

Anyone can make a nomination for the Award, which recognises innovation, research and the promotion of the software testing profession. Nominate your choice for the International Software Testing Excellence Award before the 16th of February 2022!

Please note: Nominations for the ISTQB® International Software Testing Excellence Award can be submitted by anyone (except Award Panel members). Nomination proposals need to be submitted through the Submission Form and need to give clear reasons for the nomination, as well as references that validate the nominee's achievements. Anonymous and self-nomination proposals will not be accepted.

Nominate your choice here https://awards.istqb.org/excellence-award/submission.html.
